Its Mother's Day today.Wish all the Mums and Mums-to-be A Happy Mother's Day!
Had these quizzes from one of the blogger and I should give it a try : -
1. What is something your husband always says to you?
'Have u pray?'
2. What makes your husband happy?
Watching soccer.
3. What makes your husband sad?
I dunno..I have never seen him sad or maybe he doesnt like showing it.
4. How old is your husband?
41..my goodness! I knew him when he's 23.
5. What was your husband like in high school?
Shy..extremely shy...that's what my MIL told me.
6. How tall is your husband?
170 cm and I love it!
7. What is your husband's favourite thing to do?
I will say it again...Watch soccer
8. What does your hubby do when you're not around?
And again...Watch soccer.
9. If your husband becomes famous, what will it be for?
For having ideas that no one can ever think of.
10.What is your husband really good at?
He's good in ordering his wife around.Think he's born with it.Its one of his talent!
11.What is your husband not really good at?
He's not really good at fixing things at home.Like once he painted MIL's door and he painted the peephole too.And the poor woman have to peek through the window glass each time somebody rings the bell.
13.What is your husband's favourite food?
Bread.He lives on bread especially french loaves.
14.What makes you proud of your husband?
His principles and his dedication.
15.If your husband were a cartoon character, which would he be?
Mr Bean...ha ha ha.Sorry honey!
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