KY's contract end this November and still unsure if he will continue with the club.I am okay if he sign on again and I too would be all right if we were to go back to Singapore.Whichever decision he makes I will always support him.Soccer is his life and he always thrive to learn something new or take up new challenge.
Past 8 years we've been married, I was always being left alone and he would travel for work commitment.Even when I joined him here, the next day I was left alone in a new house, new environment without a driver.I learned to be independent, to get things running so I wont be too dependent on him.
Its difficult first few years of our marriage...to get things adjusted.We had different ideas and he being away too often.We would argued at the most slightest things but through faith we managed to overcome the turmoil. It made us more mature and also Alhamdulillah I have family and few good friends to keep me at bay.Communication too is very important be it with husband, friends or families.
Past 8 years we've been married, I was always being left alone and he would travel for work commitment.Even when I joined him here, the next day I was left alone in a new house, new environment without a driver.I learned to be independent, to get things running so I wont be too dependent on him.
Its difficult first few years of our marriage...to get things adjusted.We had different ideas and he being away too often.We would argued at the most slightest things but through faith we managed to overcome the turmoil. It made us more mature and also Alhamdulillah I have family and few good friends to keep me at bay.Communication too is very important be it with husband, friends or families.
Throughout our marriage, we had learned a lot from each other.When we first started dating everything was so sweet, the sun is always shining , the moon is always round and bright, flowers blooming everywhere and boy was I wrong!A year after marriage, all bad habits started to surfaced little by little until you started to wander...Who is this Man I'm marrying ??Hmm...I didn't see that coming!Maybe I didn't read the fine lines.. by then its too late to turn back.Its either you swim or you drown.I chose to swim because I wanted him to be my first and last and till this very date I have never regretted my decision.
That's life...Nothing is perfect...and you thought you married a perfect man! ha ha ha...Wake up and smell the coffee!!You are not living in La La land!
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