- Firstly its none of your business.
- Secondly, age does not matter.If Allah want to give, he will give at any age.
- Thirdly, do I have to give u my full medical report? Coz it can take quite a while.
- Fourth ..Do you think I'm stupid that I did a check up and my husband don't?
Even when young, you have people asking questions, like how many A's you have, What college/University are you in.And if you answer them, they will ask, ' Oh? Why aren't u getting A's? Didn't you study?Why aren't you in this school? It is better in academic..bla..bla..bla!
And when you started working, they will ask if you had any boyfriend? When are you getting married?And if you are not married at a certain age that was 'scheduled' to be married, they will look at you quizzically, like as if something wrong with you that nobody wants you.And worst part, they instantly turn to a match making company.
And when you are married, things like these will happen.Asking when we will have kids, why take us so long to have one.And if we do have one, our kids will start being ask the same questions.Its like a cycle.
So its a never ending questions you get from people.I don't mind if people were to ask but can you put it in a nice manner? And if I answer and you happen not to like my answer don't look at me like I'm some kind of alien!
P/S Just as I thought, Kris Allen will win American Idol!